Trump’s petty and mean policy changes set the tone for his presidency

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Ah, a brand new day. New horizons. A new dawn … and so on (“Moments after he was sworn in, Trump wasted no time demonstrating his presidential power”, January 21). Obviously, it is imperative on your first day as president that the most vital action as the most powerful man in the world is to introduce petty and mean policy changes. It appears Trump has already pulled the Biden initiative to provide advice on birth control and abortion. On his first day in office Trump has declared there are only two genders and that he will end government initiatives that promote diversity. Why does this issue get Trump and his followers so fired up that they are first-day pledges? And he pledges to end the Inflation Reduction Act, and “drill, baby drill”. No pledges to end world poverty, no pledges to end world hunger, no pledges to address the issue of catastrophic climate change. A great first day, President Trump. Judy Hungerford, Kew (Vic)

President Donald Trump gives his inaugural speech at the US capitol in Washington.Credit: Getty Images

I listened to Trump’s inaugural speech in the hope that maybe on the same day as Americans recalled the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr, something positive might be said which could erase to some measure the fear I hold for the next four years. But it was Trump at his most grotesque. Surrounded by some of the wealthiest people on earth, he appealed not to our better angels of altruism, empathy, co-operation and forgiveness, but to our worst angels of selfishness, greed, hatred and revenge. It was not a dream but a nightmare and while not altogether surprising, it was deeply disheartening. Bernard Moylan, Bronte

What a depressing start to the day to wake up to images of Elon Musk’s nazi salute and the menacing voice of the loudmouthed braggart who has conned the America people. Shakespeare warned us many times that good people are destroyed by their trust in the values of politeness, decency, honesty, morality and the rule of law, all of which are scorned by the ruthless. Germany and the world stood by and condoned Hitler’s rise to power. Clearly we continue to learn nothing from history, or literature. Jeanette Heys, Turramurra

Richard Keyes worries too much by being angry and disgusted (Letters, January 21). I am sure he expressed similar sentiments when Donald Trump was first elected eight years ago. The world didn’t end during his previous term, nor did the American republic collapse. He is making the same mistake that Democratic Party supporters have made. Calling the majority of American voters ignorant, naive, gullible and stupid just reinforces the belief that Trump opponents are holier-than-thou elitists. Respect democracy. The voters will have another say on Trump in two years’ time with the Congressional mid-term elections, and a final say in 2028. Riley Brown, Bondi

Psychiatry crisis

It looks like the Minns government still does not appreciate that below-par wages and understaffed working conditions only increase the shortages endemic in the public service (“Psychiatry experts slam Minns remedy”, January 21). Tampering with the professional and ethical standards of psychiatrists, as well as other professions, only intensifies the problem and denies the NSW public the quality of service required for a fully and happily functioning society. Vanessa Tennent, Oatley

It is an extremely inappropriate idea of Chris Minns to counter the impact of the psychiatrists’ walkout by passing on their role in mental health care to counsellors and psychologists. Counsellors deal with people in relation to their personal and relationship problems, psychologists provide psychological care to people with moderate mental health problems, but neither are trained to deal with people suffering from psychosis or severe or suicidal depression, nor can they prescribe medication for these disorders. To put such responsibility on them puts the patient at risk of losing their lives, and puts the counsellor or psychologist at invidious medicolegal risk should things go wrong, and I would imagine neither group would appreciate such a move. Dr John Frith, Paddington

There is one root cause to the unfolding crisis in public hospital psychiatric care – the 50-year old, NSW-unique, inequitable, morale-destroying, hybrid salary model for staff specialists, which puts some on parity with other states and others, including psychiatrists, well below. The scheme cost-shifts a third of the salary to the Commonwealth through private-practice billing, and short-sheets all hospital specialists on superannuation. It is why a 25 per cent increase, otherwise absurd for any other public servants, is justified and long overdue. The Minns government inherited the salary model but is stuck with fixing it or accepting avoidable suffering and loss of life. If the Commonwealth returned to the 50 per cent funding of public hospitals, which was cut to 39 per cent during the Howard era and now stands at 44 per cent, the NSW government could easily bring the public hospital system back from the brink, which is where its salary model has pushed it. Professor Graeme Stewart, Avalon

Premier Chris Minns has raised the possibility of passing on psychiatrists’ role in mental health care to counsellors and psychologists.

Premier Chris Minns has raised the possibility of passing on psychiatrists’ role in mental health care to counsellors and psychologists.Credit: iStock

The proposal to replace psychiatrists with counsellors and psychologists might not be such a bad one. The medical dominance of health care in general, and in this case, mental health, underpins the current crisis. In my 12 years’ experience in mental health, I have rarely seen a psychiatrist in the public system conduct group therapy, as mandated in private psychiatric hospitals, or treat patients individually with cognitive or dialectical behaviour therapies. This responsibility usually falls to clinical psychologists. The main role of psychiatrists appears to be to prescribe medications, which are sometimes a matter of trial and error. For many years, the AMA has opposed the role of nurse practitioners, who could perform many of the tasks currently assigned to staff specialists and psychiatric registrars, such as writing discharge summaries and reviewing medication. Yes, NSW mental health is in crisis, but staff psychiatrists removing their services will not remedy the problem. Instead, it could backfire on them by raising the question of whether they are as indispensable as they claim. Patricia Farrar, Concord

Firebombing outrage

Every morning I pass a quiet child care centre on my regular walk. Normally, there are some early morning staff arriving and some parents dropping off children. Today it was different. There were police, flashing lights, road blocks, camera crews and shocked onlookers. It was only later that I read that it had been torched (“It was like a bomb : Sydney daycare centre torched in antisemitic attack”, January 21). This is not Maroubra, the sleepy suburb in which I have lived for 70 years without a hint of disturbance. This is not Australia, a land of security and stability, a land where people agree to disagree. Tolerance and respect are no longer part of Australia’s DNA. The world’s political problems have no place in Maroubra – or child care centres. James Athanasou, Maroubra

After the firebombing of a daycare centre in Maroubra, Premier Chris Minns said: “I don’t believe antisemitism, antisemitic attacks, begin and end with a firebombing or a graffiti attack. I think it begins with language.” The attack on Alex Ryvchin’s former home last Friday, and all the other recent acts of antisemitic vandalism, have no place in a modern Australia and should be roundly condemned. At the same time, some of the intemperate language commenting on the situation in Gaza used by the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, of which Ryvchin is a member, should be rightly challenged for its divisive nature. Unfortunately, anyone who calls out this organisation is quickly condemned as an antisemite. Perhaps all parties need to think long and hard before commenting as a way of calming a highly volatile situation. Tim Overland, Castle Hill

Religious-based attacks in Australia are to be condemned in our free, multicultural society. Those of us who oppose Israel’s treatment of people with different faiths on the Gaza Strip and West Bank need to make our voices heard via peaceful means, our local politicians, mass gatherings or marches. I prefer not to use the term “antisemitic” as various sources inform me that Semitic languages include Hebrew, Arabic and Aramaic. Ferdo Mathews, Robina (Qld)

Jeremy Brender (Letters, January 19) says that supporters of Israel don’t bomb or paint racist graffiti, and implies it is supporters of Palestine who are responsible for antisemitic vandalism in Sydney. This is a divisive opinion. The truth is we don’t know who is doing this. It could even be the far right and have nothing to do with Gaza. Carol Reid, Tuross Head

Israel released 90 Palestinian hostages this week in exchange for three Israeli hostages held by Hamas (“Palestinian prisoners freed after Hamas releases hostages as Gaza ceasefire takes hold”, January 20). One of the Palestinian hostages was my second cousin, Jennen Mohammad Taha Amr, aged only 22. She was detained for 13 months and not charged with anything. She was arrested for posting a comment on social media and was one of 500 young women in her area, all in their late teens and early 20s, who were taken hostages by Israel. I regard all the 11,400 Palestinians in Israeli detention to be hostages, not prisoners. El-Hassan Amr, Auburn

Resident John Patmore has lived in his Paddington boarding house apartment for 17 years.

Resident John Patmore has lived in his Paddington boarding house apartment for 17 years.Credit: Dion Georgopoulos

Evictions a symptom of system failure

Your heartbreaking report on the imminent displacement of 32 residential tenants from two boarding houses to make way for four luxury houses highlights a failing at both the local and state government levels (“Evicted with nowhere to go”, January 21). Time and again, we read of situations in which vulnerable citizens on the lower end of the socio-economic spectrum are shunted aside in favour of developments designed for cashed-up home buyers. Granted, one cannot begrudge developers their investment imperatives but, and this is where governments should be better overseeing the equation, the needs of the many should be prioritised in the development planning and approvals processes. We bemoan the dearth of affordable, or indeed available, housing for low- and middle-income earners, especially those working in essential services, but we also must acknowledge a responsibility to those who have done their bit for the community and who deserve security in their later years. Bradley Wynne, Croydon

It is so sad to see the Paddington boarding house residents about to be evicted so that developers can build luxury homes for the wealthy, despite local residents’ protests and the City of Sydney and NSW government trying to intervene on their behalf. Then turn the page to the article on Australian billionaires (“The superstar effect: Australia’s growing band of billionaires”, January 21) and the story about premium packages for the Australian Open tennis available for $30,000 for the two-week event (“Why some of the best seats at Rod Laver Arena are empty for big matches”, January 21).

They are sickening examples of the rich getting richer and the poor being ground down even further. If any of those billionaires would like to be remembered as anything other than greedy, they should be investing in housing for those less fortunate than themselves, instead of amassing more and more wealth. Of course, state governments are ultimately to blame for failing to build enough public housing. Amanda Brian, Bexley

I read with interest Matt Wade’s article on the latest Oxfam report on the rapidly growing gap between haves and have-nots in Australia (“The superstar effect: Australia’s growing band of billionaires”, January 21). Even more alarming is when you read this report in conjunction with the growing influence of the mega-rich on governments around the world. I despair at the prospects of this getting any better in the future. If anything, the Trump example of putting the richest man in the world, Elon Musk, in charge of public service efficiency in America is the best (or worst) example of putting the fox in charge of the chicken coop that I’ve ever heard of. John Brown, North Sydney

Joker missed the joke

Bantering is a basic component of Australian culture (“It’s a tornado in a thimble, but Djokovic needs to get off his high horse”, January 21). However, because there is a fine line between bullying and bantering there are several unspoken rules of which Aussies should be aware before they find themselves in hot water. Save it for fellow Aussies or close friends and family, as most countries outside Australia, except for maybe Ireland, don’t get the Aussie irony or humour. Body language is also important, as banter delivered with a smile or a goofy expression is unlikely to offend. Avoid controversial topics. And when in doubt, start with self-deprecating humour. You’ll always get a laugh. Elizabeth Maher, Gordon

Channel Nine sports presenter Tony Jones (right) has publicly apologised to Novak Djokovic.

Channel Nine sports presenter Tony Jones (right) has publicly apologised to Novak Djokovic.Credit: Nine

Voluntary voting

Chris Rivers starts his letter about the merits or otherwise of proposed voting changes in NSW with the false claim that Australians are forced to vote (Letters, January 21). In fact, you are only required to turn up at the voting booth and take your voting slip. Whether you actually cast a vote is up to you. Dierk Mohr, Turramurra

Your correspondent has missed the point. We don’t have compulsory voting, just a requirement to have your name ticked off. As for preferential voting systems, there are many ways to skin that cat. We should discuss them rationally. Seppo Ranki, Glenhaven

Difference of opinion

It would appear that Susan Durman, who claims “The Socialist Morning Herald” never says a word against “Saint Albo”, must be reading a different newspaper from me (Letters, January 19). She must have missed the many comments and articles critical of the Labor Party and the prime minister by respected journalists like David Crowe, Nikki Savva and Shane Wright, not to mention guest writers such as Richard Flanagan. Maybe it’s time to change newspapers if she finds the Herald so abhorrent. Julia Booth, Westleigh

Free lunch

As a small business owner I shall gladly accept the largesse of a $20,000 deduction for lunches, but I still won’t vote for Dutton to make it happen (“Dutton pledges tax breaks, as Mundine camp declares ‘war’ over failed Liberal preselection”, January 18). Stephen Manns, Woollahra

Young saviours

No need to worry about the younger generation (Letters, January 21). When my skylight blew out in last week’s storm a team of three young SES volunteers were soon on the case. They worked in the rain and stayed until the roof was as secure as possible until professional repair became available. They would accept no gifts for their services. We are in safe hands. Gay Revie, Woollahra.

Readers rule

Reading the Herald letters convinces me that it is your correspondents who should be governing our country (Letters, January 21). The letter writers seem to have a better understanding of what our country and its people need than our leaders. Bruce Welch, Marrickville

Beach days

It is little wonder Caroline Zielinski is no fan of beaches if Melbourne’s St Kilda is her experience (“You can have your sand and sunburn”, 20 January). There are 11,000 beaches in Australia, and St Kilda on a bay is not one of them. Melburnians need to drive for at least an hour to reach a real beach. Sydney has more than 50 beautiful beaches, including the world-famous Manly and Bondi. The lack of real beaches in Melbourne is the reason so many seagulls congregate at the MCG. Tony Nicod, Collaroy

Turn it up

Tom Dolan’s tale of a friend who overcame his fear of sharks by not wearing goggles reminds me of something my neighbour said (Letters, January 21). My car made crackling, clunking, clicking sounds. His advice, with a wink: turn your radio up. Judy Archer, Nelson Bay

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